Thursday 27 July 2017

Options Trading Strategies Module Study Material

Pasar Keuangan: Modul Pemula Ini adalah program tingkat dasar bagi mereka yang ingin memulai karir di pasar keuangan di India atau hanya mempelajari dasar-dasar pasar modal. Kursus ini disusun untuk membantu memahami konsep dasar yang berkaitan dengan berbagai jalur investasi, pasar primer dan sekunder, pasar derivatif dan analisis laporan keuangan. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dasar tentang produk, pemain dan fungsi pasar keuangan, khususnya pasar modal. Untuk memahami istilah dan jargon yang digunakan di koran keuangan dan terbitan berkala. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Investor Guru Guru Karyawan Karyawan BPOsIT Pegawai BrokerPublik Broker Housewives Siapa saja yang memiliki minat di pasar sekuritas India Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Ada Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam modul ini. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Reksadana: Modul Pemula Reksa dana telah menjadi produk investasi yang banyak dicari dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Kursus ini mendemistifikasi konsep reksa dana dan membantu menciptakan kesadaran dan pengetahuan tentang industri dan fungsinya. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami konsep reksadana. Untuk mengetahui tentang peran pemain yang berbeda yaitu. Kustodian, perusahaan manajemen aset, sponsor dll di industri reksa dana. Untuk mempelajari masalah pajak dan peraturan yang terkait dengan reksadana. Memahami dasar-dasar perhitungan nilai aset bersih (NAB) dan berbagai rencana investasi. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Investor Investor Perencana keuangan Analis Peramalan ekuitas Siapa saja yang memiliki minat terhadap industri reksa dana India Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam Modul ini Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Revisi silabus Reksa Dana: Ujian Sertifikasi Modul Pemula w. e.f. 13 Januari 2017. Derivat Mata Uang: Modul Pemula Modul ini dirancang dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang produk Derivatif Mata Uang, yang telah tersedia untuk diperdagangkan di pasar sekuritas India di tahun 2009. Isi kursus disusun untuk membantu Seorang pemula mengerti apa produknya, bagaimana cara diperdagangkan dan apa gunanya hal itu bisa dilakukan. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami dasar-dasar pasar mata uang. Memahami mata uang berjangka sebagai alat manajemen risiko. Untuk mempelajari tentang platform perdagangan dari segmen derivatif mata uang dari bursa saham. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Guru Siswa Bankir Eksekutif Perusahaan Karyawan ExportImpor Rumah Analis Pegawai Broker dan Sub-broker Siapa saja yang memiliki minat di Pasar Sekuritas India Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam modul ini. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Equity Derivatives: Modul Pemula Modul ini telah disiapkan dengan maksud untuk melengkapi kandidat dengan informasi dasar dan esensial serta konsep mengenai pasar derivatif ekuitas. Mengapa harus satu mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami konsep turunan. Untuk mempelajari jenis produk turunan dan aplikasinya. Untuk mempelajari tentang perdagangan derivatif di bursa efek. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Guru Siswa Pegawai Pialang Pialang Investor Individual Karyawan perusahaan BPOsIT Siapa saja yang memiliki minat terhadap pasar derivatif Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Ada Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam modul ini. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Derivatif Suku Bunga: Modul Pemula Manajemen risiko suku bunga menjadi semakin penting tidak hanya untuk sektor keuangan, tapi juga untuk sektor rumah tangga. Produk derivatif tingkat bunga merupakan instrumen utama yang tersedia untuk mengelola risiko tersebut. Derivatif Suku Bunga: Modul Pemula bertujuan menciptakan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang konsep yang mendasari pasar uang dan memberi wawasan tentang motif dan operasi yang terkait dengan perdagangan derivatif suku bunga. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami konsep pasar uang Memahami tingkat bunga derivatif sebagai alat manajemen risiko Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Guru Siswa Karyawan Bank, Perusahaan Asuransi Dealer Utama Karyawan Pialang Broker Siapa saja yang memiliki minat pada Pasar uang India Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam modul ini. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Perbankan Komersial di India. Modul Pemula Modul ini bertujuan untuk membiasakan kandidat dengan dasar-dasar perbankan dan memberikan beberapa wawasan dasar mengenai kebijakan dan praktik yang diikuti dalam sistem perbankan India. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk mempelajari dasar-dasar perbankan. Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan kebijakan dan praktik di sektor perbankan India. Mengenal layanan perbankan yang tersedia di India. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Siswa yang bercita-cita untuk perbankan sebagai karier Karyawan Bankir dari Pusat Panggilan BPO Bank Guru Kursus keuangan Siapa saja yang memiliki minat di bidang perbankan Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus : 50 (50) Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam modul ini. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Pasar Utang Utang FIMMDA-NSE Modul ini menjelaskan secara sederhana konsep dasar dari berbagai jenis instrumen hutang (G-secs, T-bills, CPs, Bonds and CDs) dan memberikan wawasan yang berguna mengenai pasar hutang India, Berbagai komponen, mekanisme perdagangan instrumen hutang di bursa efek, valuasi obligasi dan sebagainya. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami fitur dasar dari instrumen hutang. Untuk memahami perdagangan instrumen hutang pada Segmen NSE-WDM. Mengetahui aspek regulasi dan prosedural yang terkait dengan pasar utang. Untuk mempelajari konsep penilaian obligasi, kurva imbal hasil, bootstrap dan durasinya. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Guru Mata Uang Agen Penjualan Debt Karyawan Perusahaan BPOIT Siapa saja yang memiliki minat di Pasar Pendapatan Tetap Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk Jawaban salah Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Perlu diketahui bahwa untuk modul ini, aplikasi Open Office akan disediakan di pusat tes pada saat tes berlangsung. Modul Pasar Sekuritas (Basic) Modul ini berkembang di Modul Pemula Pasar Keuangan. Ini membahas isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan berbagai wilayah pasar sekuritas secara lebih mendalam dan detail daripada Modul Pemula Pasar Keuangan. Selain itu, kursus ini membantu memahami struktur pasar sekuritas dan pasar sekuritas pemerintah. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami berbagai produk, peserta dan fungsi pasar sekuritas. Untuk memahami perancangan pasar Pasar Sekunder Pasar Primer. Untuk memahami pasar sekuritas pemerintah. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Investor Investor Karyawan Broker dan Sub-Broker Komposisi Simpanan Karyawan Karyawan Reksa Dana Karyawan Rumah PenelitianAnalis Peneliti Karyawan Perusahaan BPOsIT Siapa saja yang memiliki kepentingan di Pasar Sekuritas Duartion: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda Lulus: 60 (60). Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Agar sertifikat kandidat yang berhasil berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Kliring Pemukiman dan Pengelolaan Risiko Kliring, Penyelesaian dan Manajemen Risiko merupakan fungsi penting dari suatu Clearing Corporation. Ini adalah Program Tingkat Foundation bagi mereka yang ingin mempelajari pedoman operasional dari Kliring, Permukiman, Manajemen Agunan dan Manajemen Risiko di National Securities Clearing Corporation Limited. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk mempelajari prosedur Kliring, Penyelesaian, Manajemen Agunan dan Manajemen Risiko Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Guru Siswa Karyawan Anggota Kliring Siapa saja yang memiliki kepentingan di Pasar Efek India Duartion: 60 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 75 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60). Tidak ada tanda negatif dalam modul ini. Keabsahan sertifikat: Agar sertifikat kandidat yang berhasil berlaku selama 3 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Fundamental Perbankan - Internasional Program ini dikembangkan oleh Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd (FLIP). FLIP (learnwithflip) menawarkan berbagai program sertifikasi e-learning amp di Banking amp Financial Services (BFS), baik untuk freshers maupun profesional yang bekerja. Kumpulan program yang dirancang khusus untuk pemirsa TI. Mereka meletakkan dasar bagi profesional TI yang terlibat dalam proyek BFS. Mereka membekali Anda dengan pengetahuan domain yang diperlukan, untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan dengan percaya diri, dan lebih memahami persyaratan mereka. Rincian tentang Modul Program ini mencakup konsep utama di bidang perbankan dan keuangan seperti Minat, Laporan Keuangan, Risiko, dan sebagainya. Ini memberi Anda gambaran umum tentang bisnis perbankan, dengan fokus khusus pada produk dan proses USUK. Ini juga mencakup kepatuhan utama, dan gambaran umum tentang aspek teknologi perbankan. Untuk melihat ikhtisar kursus dan ikhtisar kursus: Klik di sini Siapa yang harus mengikuti program Fundamental FLIPs Banking Kursus ini sesuai untuk kandidat dengan kualifikasi berikut: Lulusan EngineerLain mencari karir BFS di ITKPOBPO MBAsPost Lulusan mencari peran analis Bisnis di ITKPO Pekerjaan lain Profesional, ingin pindah ke BFS di ITKPO Dalam hal kesesuaian peran, kursus ini relevan bagi orang yang ingin bergabung dengan vertikal BFS dari Proses Pendaftaran Untuk mengikuti sertifikasi Fundamental NCFM Banking, wajib menyelesaikan e-learning (pelatihan ) Dari Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd FLIP (learnwithflip) Pasar Modal Fundamental - Internasional Program ini dikembangkan oleh Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd (FLIP). FLIP (learnwithflip) menawarkan berbagai program sertifikasi e-learning amp di Banking amp Financial Services (BFS), baik untuk freshers maupun profesional yang bekerja. Kumpulan program yang dirancang khusus untuk pemirsa TI. Mereka meletakkan dasar bagi profesional TI yang terlibat dalam proyek BFS. Mereka membekali Anda dengan pengetahuan domain yang diperlukan, untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan dengan percaya diri, dan lebih memahami persyaratan mereka. Rincian tentang Modul Program ini mencakup konsep utama di bidang perbankan dan keuangan seperti Minat, Laporan Keuangan, Risiko, dan sebagainya. Ini memberi Anda gambaran umum tentang pasar keuangan yang berbeda, dengan fokus khusus pada geografi USUK. Ini juga membawa Anda melewati keseluruhan siklus hidup sebuah instrumen dari penerbitan ke layanan aset. Untuk melihat kursus demo dan ikhtisar kursus: Klik di sini Siapa yang harus melakukan FLIP Program Fundamental Pasar Modal Kursus ini sesuai untuk kandidat dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut: Lulusan EngineerLain mencari karir BFS di ITKPOBPO MBAsPost Lulusan mencari peran analis Bisnis di ITKPO Lainnya Profesional yang bekerja, ingin pindah ke BFS di ITKPO Dalam hal kesesuaian peran, kursus ini relevan bagi orang-orang yang ingin bergabung dengan vertikal BFS dalam Proses Pendaftaran Untuk menjalani sertifikasi Fundamental NCFM Capital Markets, wajib menyelesaikan e-learning. (Pelatihan) Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd FLIP (learnwithflip) Modul Pasar Modal (Dealer) (CMDM) Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami operasi perdagangan pasar modal NSE. Untuk memahami proses kliring, penyelesaian dan manajemen risiko. Untuk mengetahui tentang kriteria kelayakan untuk mencari keanggotaan di NSE. Untuk mempelajari aspek peraturan penting lainnya. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Karyawan Pialang Saham dan Sub-Broker Guru Siswa Karyawan Perusahaan BPOIT Investor Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam operasi pasar saham Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Ada negatif Menandai jawaban yang salah Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Derivatif Pasar (Dealer) Modul (DMDM) Derivatif dikenal sebagai salah satu instrumen keuangan yang paling kuat. Pasar derivatif ekuitas India telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang luar biasa sejak tahun 2000 ketika derivatif ekuitas diperkenalkan di India. Modul ini memberikan wawasan tentang berbagai jenis derivatif ekuitas, perdagangan, kliring dan penyelesaian dan kerangka peraturannya. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk mempelajari dasar-dasar pasar derivatif Untuk memahami penggunaan produk derivatif dalam spekulasi, lindung nilai dan arbitrase Untuk mempelajari perdagangan, kliring, penyelesaian dan manajemen risiko dalam derivatif ekuitas Untuk mempelajari masalah peraturan, akuntansi dan perpajakan Berkaitan dengan derivatif ekuitas. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Pialang Saham dan Sub-Broker yang menangani derivatif Kustodian dan Karyawan Reksadana Investor individu dan juga Manajer Portofolio Individu Networth Individu (HNI) Lembaga Keuangan Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam operasi pasar saham Durasi: 120 menit Tidak ada Pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 3 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Analisis Investasi dan Manajemen Portofolio Analisis Investasi dan Manajemen Portofolio merupakan bidang yang berkembang di bidang keuangan. Modul ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang berbagai konsep yang terkait dengan analisis investasi dan manajemen portofolio. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memiliki orientasi praktis terhadap prinsip-prinsip investasi, penetapan harga dan penilaian Untuk mempelajari berbagai metodologi analisis keuangan Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini, Pelajar Manajemen dan Perdagangan Profesi Keuangan Karyawan dengan Treasury amp Divisi investasi bank dan Lembaga keuangan Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam mata kuliah ini Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Fundamental Analysis Module Analisis fundamental adalah metodologi valuasi saham yang sampai pada saat melakukan analisa keamanan. Analisis keamanan yang tepat merupakan dasar keputusan investasi yang berhasil. Modul ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dasar tentang analisis fundamental dan berbagai metodologi penilaian yang digunakan. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang analisis fundamental. Untuk mempelajari berbagai metodologi valuasi Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini, Analis Saham Profesional Manajemen Keuangan dan Manajemen Keuangan dari Departemen Keuangan dan Keuangan Siapa pun yang memiliki minat dalam mata kuliah ini Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, Tanda Lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Options Trading Strategies Module Ada banyak sekali strategi yang tersedia untuk pilihan trading. Modul ini membahas tujuan strategi dan kondisi di mana mereka berhasil. Dianjurkan untuk mengikuti tes Modul Turunan NCFM Derivatives Markets (Dealers) yang akan membuat Anda terbiasa dengan konsep dasar pasar opsi, sebelum mencoba modul ini. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk mengetahui berbagai strategi pilihan. Untuk memahami konsep payoff. Untuk memahami tujuan dan risiko masing-masing strategi yang berbeda. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Guru Pedagang Pedagang Investor Karyawan Perusahaan BPOsIT Siapa pun yang tertarik dengan pasar derivatif Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Manajemen Risiko Operasional Setiap bisnis beroperasi di lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang telah menimbulkan bahaya bagi operasi bisnis yang disebut sebagai risiko inheren dalam melakukan bisnis. Manajemen risiko operasional adalah metodologi yang membantu dalam penilaian risiko, pengambilan keputusan risiko, dan penerapan pengendalian risiko, yang menghasilkan penerimaan, mitigasi, atau penghindaran risiko yang sangat integral dengan bisnis. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memiliki pengetahuan yang komprehensif dan mendalam tentang manajemen risiko operasi. Mengidentifikasi masalah risiko operasi. Memahami pendekatan untuk mengurangi masalah risiko operasi. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Profesi Keuangan Siswa Karyawan dengan sektor perbankan dan keuangan Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam mata kuliah ini Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 75 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk kesalahan Jawaban. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Sektor Perbankan Bisnis membutuhkan dana untuk pendirian, pertumbuhan dan pengembangan. Bank tetap menjadi pilar utama pembiayaan kegiatan usaha. Ada peningkatan kebutuhan akan individu berkualitas yang memiliki keahlian dan pengetahuan penting di bidang perbankan di pasar keuangan global yang bergerak cepat ini. Modul ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dasar tentang operasional perbankan dan mengenalkan peserta didik dengan berbagai layanan terkait perbankan. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang operasi perbankan Untuk mengetahui berbagai layanan terkait perbankan. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Siswa Manajemen dan Perdagangan Profesi Keuangan Karyawan dengan bank dan lembaga keuangan Distributor Agen Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam mata pelajaran ini Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada Adalah tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Manajemen Tresuri Manajemen Treasury selalu menjadi fungsi penting dalam organisasi manapun, lebih signifikan lagi di perusahaan perbankan dan keuangan. Fungsi Treasury selalu penting dalam memastikan bahwa bisnis memiliki likuiditas yang cukup untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, sementara mengelola pembayaran, penerimaan dan risiko keuangan secara efektif. Dengan semakin banyaknya perubahan peraturan, kepatuhan dan teknologi di sektor keuangan, Treasury semakin menjadi mitra bisnis strategis di semua bidang bisnis, menambah nilai pada divisi operasi perusahaan. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memiliki pengetahuan yang komprehensif dan mendalam tentang manajemen treasury. Memahami berbagai risiko bagi perusahaan dan peran manajemen treasury dalam menguranginya. Untuk mengetahui berbagai proses pengelolaan treasury dan bagaimana resiko dikelola di treasury. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Profesi Keuangan Siswa Karyawan dengan bank dan sektor jasa keuangan Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam mata kuliah ini Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk kesalahan Jawaban. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Asuransi Modul Asuransi melayani sejumlah fungsi ekonomi berharga yang sebagian besar berbeda dari jenis intermediasi keuangan lainnya. Pasar asuransi telah menyaksikan perubahan dinamis, yang mencakup kehadiran sejumlah asuransi yang cukup besar baik di segmen kehidupan dan non-jiwa. Ada peningkatan kebutuhan akan individu berkualitas yang memiliki keahlian dan pengetahuan penting dalam asuransi di pasar keuangan yang bergerak cepat dan global ini. Modul ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dasar tentang konsep asuransi, jenis asuransi, dasar-dasar manajemen risiko, prinsip kontrak asuransi. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang konsep asuransi Untuk mengetahui tentang berbagai jenis asuransi, dasar-dasar manajemen risiko, kontrak dan prinsip asuransi dll. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini. Karyawan Profesional Manajemen Keuangan dan Manajemen Keuangan Dengan bank dan lembaga keuangan Distributor Agen Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam mata kuliah ini Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Makroekonomi untuk Pasar Keuangan Memahami Ekonomi adalah kunci untuk membedakan bagaimana pasar keuangan beroperasi. Ada hubungan yang rumit antara berbagai faktor ekonomi dan variabel keuangan yang dapat berdampak langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap pasar keuangan. Perspektif ekonomi memfasilitasi identifikasi penyebab berbagai perkembangan ekonomi serta antisipasi kemungkinan dampak perubahan kebijakan. Modul ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dasar tentang berbagai konsep makroekonomi dan sekilas perilaku makroekonomi. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang berbagai konsep makroekonomi Untuk belajar tentang perilaku makroekonomi Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Ahli Manajemen Keuangan dan Perdagangan Analis Keuangan Analis Saham Karyawan dengan lembaga keuangan Siapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam mata kuliah ini Duration: 120 minutes Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Operasi Penyimpanan NSDL Penyimpanan efisien sangat penting untuk berfungsinya pasar modal secara efisien. Modul ini memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang fungsi penyimpanan dan menguraikan berbagai masalah operasional. Telah diamanatkan oleh National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) (yang merupakan salah satu tempat penyimpanan di India), bahwa semua cabang peserta penyimpanan harus memiliki setidaknya satu orang yang memenuhi syarat dalam program sertifikasi ini. Modul ini telah dikembangkan bersama oleh NSE dan NSDL. Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami alasan penyimpanan. Untuk mengetahui tentang layanan yang disediakan oleh penyimpanan. Untuk memahami proses yang terlibat dalam fungsi penyimpanan. Untuk memahami perangkat lunak aplikasi NSDL. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Staf Peserta Depository Guru Siswa Investor Karyawan Bank Kandidat yang ingin berkarir di operasi penyimpanan Siapa pun yang tertarik untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang operasi peserta penyimpanan. Durasi: 75 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60). Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Kandidat yang mendapatkan 80 atau lebih tanda dalam modul operasi Penyimpanan NSDL hanya akan disertifikasi sebagai PELATIH. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Pasar Barang Tujuan dari modul ini adalah untuk memberi para pemula dan juga para dealer dengan pengetahuan teoritis dan terapan yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan komoditas. Modul ini bermanfaat bagi mereka yang ingin mengejar karir di perusahaan pialang yang berurusan dengan komoditas derivatif. Modul ini telah dikembangkan bersama oleh NSE dan NCDEX. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami perbedaan antara derivatif komoditas dan keuangan. Untuk mengetahui penggunaan komoditi berjangka. Untuk memahami mekanisme penetapan harga komoditas berjangka. Untuk mempelajari platform perdagangan NCDEX, operasi kliring dan penyelesaian. Untuk mengetahui kerangka peraturan dan aspek perpajakan dari pasar komoditas. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Pelajar Komoditi Market Dealers Periset Karyawan Perusahaan BPOIT Siapa saja yang memiliki minat di Pasar Komoditas Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 60 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 50 (50) Ada tanda negatif yang salah Jawaban. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 3 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 2,070- (Rupee Dua Ribu dan Tujuh Puluh Saja) termasuk pajak layanan. Surveillance di Bursa Efek Modul Pengawasan yang efektif adalah sine qua non untuk pasar modal yang berfungsi dengan baik. Modul ini telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan keinginan Grup Surveillance Pasar Inter-Exchange SEBI untuk mendapatkan program pelatihan bersertifikasi. Modul ini memberikan wawasan tentang masalah pengawasan di pasar saham. Transaksi. Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami pentingnya mekanisme pengawasan pasar. Untuk mempelajari peran pengawasan dalam manajemen risiko. Mengetahui aturan dan peraturan seperti UU Anti Pencucian Uang, Peraturan SEBI (Larangan Insider Trading) dll. Untuk memahami konsep corporate governance. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Staf pengawas petugas Kepatuhan Bursa dan Regulator Siswa Amp Guru Siapa saja yang tertarik pada pasar sekuritas Durasi: 120 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 50 Tanda maksimum: 100, tanda lulus: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif Untuk jawaban yang salah Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Modul Tata Kelola Perusahaan Untuk membangun kepercayaan di kalangan investor, sangat penting untuk menerapkan kebijakan dan praktik tata kelola perusahaan yang terbaik. Mengakui kebutuhan ini, modul ini berupaya memberikan pengetahuan tentang evolusi tata kelola perusahaan di India. Ini juga membahas konsep penting yang terkait dengan tata kelola perusahaan dan kerangka peraturan yang mengaturnya. Modul ini telah dikembangkan bersama oleh NSE dan The Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI). Mengapa kita harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami evolusi tata kelola perusahaan di India. Untuk memahami klausul 49 dari daftar perjanjian. Untuk mengetahui tentang persyaratan pengungkapan dan pelaporan untuk perusahaan. Siapa yang akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kursus ini Staf Manajerial Mahasiswa Korporat dan Komunitas Pengajar Lembaga Sekretaris Perusahaan India (ICSI) Siapa saja yang tertarik pada bidang Tata Kelola Perusahaan Durasi: 90 menit Jumlah pertanyaan: 100 Tanda maksimum: 100, lulus Tanda: 60 (60) Ada tanda negatif untuk jawaban yang salah. Validitas sertifikat: Untuk kandidat yang berhasil, sertifikat berlaku selama 5 tahun sejak tanggal ujian. 1.726- (Rupee Seribu Tujuh Ratus dan Dua Puluh Enam Saja) termasuk pajak pelayanan. Evolusi Tata Kelola Perusahaan Evolusi tata kelola perusahaan di India amp di luar negeri Ketentuan mengenai tata kelola perusahaan dalam perjanjian pencatatan Tata kelola dewan dan independensi Sistem dewan prosedur. Pengungkapan Persyaratan pengungkapan Persyaratan pelaporan Transaksi dengan pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa. Kepatuhan terhadap kondisi perjanjian pencatatan sehubungan dengan tata kelola perusahaan. Materi Studi untuk modul ini tersedia di kantor ICSI berikut ini: A. Lini Pelatihan Pusat Pelatihan Corporate Training Centre 101, Sektor 15, Kelembagaan Wilayah, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614 Telepon - 27577814 - 16, Extn. 406. Fax no. 27574384 email ccrticsi. edu. Ccrtvsnl. B. Dewan Regional India Barat (WIRC) dari ICSI 13 Jolly Makers Chambers - II, Lantai Pertama, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 Telepon 22047569, Contact person: Mr. Mani Fax No. 22850109 email. Modul Pejabat Kepatuhan wiroicsi. edu (Broker) Mengapa seseorang harus mengikuti kursus ini Untuk memahami undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan pasar sekuritas. Untuk belajar tentang peraturan, peraturan dan hukum-hukum bursa. Untuk memahami pedoman SEBI. Who will benefit from this course Compliance Officers Students of Law colleges Candidates interested in making their career as compliance officerslegal officers in the securities market Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Compliance Officers (Corporates) Module Compliance officers of any company needs to have adequate knowledge of the legal and regulatory requirements for carrying out the business of that company. A sound knowledge of these helps the organization adhere to the required compliance standards. The Compliance Officers (Corporates) module tests the candidates on their knowledge of the relevant rules, regulations and guidelines governing the corporates such as the Companies Act. Those of you, interested in taking the test in this module need to refer to the Companies Act, SC(R)A, Depositories Act etc as per the curriculum. Please note that no study material is provided for this module. Why should one take this course To understand the Companies Act, 1956. To know about the provisions of the listing agreement. To know about the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. Who will benefit from this course Compliance Officers Students of Law colleges Candidates interested in making their career as compliance officerslegal officers in the securities market Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Information Security Auditors Module (Part-1) amp Information Security Auditors Module (Part-2) Information security is of vital importance in the corporate environment where a vast amount of information is processed by organizations on a day to day basis. An information security audit is one of the best ways to determine the security of an organizations information. This module has been developed for those involved with or interested to know about information security related issues in the financial markets. On successful completion of both the parts of this module, candidates are provided with a Certified Information Security Auditor for Financial Markets certification. This module has been jointly developed by NSE and the iSec Services Pvt. Ltd. (iSec). Why should one take this course To understand the regulatory, legal and compliance issues in information security for financial markets. To know the provisions for business continuity plan. To understand the security management practices and physical and environmental security. Who will benefit from this course Students People working with the IT and security related department with the BrokersSub-brokers Employees of IT companiesBPOs Bank of employees Compliance officers Duration: 120 minutes per module (Part 1 amp Part 2) No. of questions: 90 in each module (Part 1 amp Part 2) Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) for each module (Part 1 amp Part 2) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 2 years from the test date. 2,587- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Seven Only) inclusive of service tax each for Information Security Auditors Module (Part 1) and Information Security Auditors Module (Part 2). Technical Analysis Module This module has been prepared with a view to provide a comprehensive and in depth knowledge about technical analysis. Why should one take this course To obtain comprehensive knowledge about technical analysis. To understand the basis of technical analysis. To understand the strengths and weaknesses of technical analysis. Who will benefit from this course Students Stock Analysts Finance Professionals Employees with Treasury Investment division of banks and financial institutionss Anybody having interest in this subject Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Mergers and Acquisitions Module This module has been prepared with a view to provide a comprehensive and in depth knowledge about mergers and acquisitions. Why should one take this course To have a comprehensive and broad based knowledge about mergers and acquisitions. To get acquainted with various forms of re-organisations. Who will benefit from this course Teachers Students Finance Professionals Anybody having interest in this subject Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Back Office Operations Module This module has been prepared with a view to provide a comprehensive and in depth knowledge about the back office operations in the securities markets. Why should one take this course To have a comprehensive and broad based knowledge about back office operations. To know the various types of primary issues and the activities that drive the primary market To get an overview of various operational activities and gain insights on post-trade activities in the markets. Who will benefit from this course Students Teachers Employees of brokers and sub-brokers Employees of Mutual Funds Finance Professionals Anybody having interest in this subject Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Wealth Management Module This module has been prepared with a view to provide a comprehensive and in depth knowledge about wealth management. Why should one take this course To have a comprehensive and broad based knowledge about wealth management. To understand the role of various investment products and structured products in long term wealth creation and the risks underlying such products and services. To know about the assessment of risk profile of clients and the importance of asset allocation in wealth management. Who will benefit from this course Students Investors Finance Professionals Anybody having interest in this subject Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Project Finance Module Developing countries like India have a significant demand for projects. Yet capital is scarce. There is a need to channel the capital into the most deserving of projects. Further, the pool of capital has to be widened through involvement of private sector. Growth of the entire country can be propelled through better infrastructure. Yet, some special needs need to be addressed, before a wider non-government involvement can be expected in building infrastructure for the country This module addresses such commercial and policy issues related to setting up commercial projects and national infrastructure. Why should one take this course To have a comprehensive and broad based knowledge about project finance. To get acquainted with estimating the cost of a project, various tools used to assess feasibility of projects, benefits of sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis, various sources of project finance and issues related to mobilizing project finance and newer structures of infrastructure financing, role of taxation and incentives in projects. Who will benefit from this course Students of Management and Commerce Finance Professionals Employees with banks, public private sector companies, financial institutions and infrastructure companies New entrepreneurs Anybody having interest in this subject Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 60 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Venture Capital and Private Equity Module In recent years, the relevance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for economic development has become particularly noteworthy. However, often these firms are more financially constrained than larger firms. In such scenarios, venture capital and private equity play a vital role in constituting a valuable resource for a firms growth, especially for more innovative SMEs, so that they can support economic development and innovation in the economy. Private equity is considered to be one of the elements of a good entrepreneurial eco-system. In the last couple of decades, it has emerged as a serious source of finance for start-ups, growing companies and takeover transactions. Why should one take this course To understand the role of private equity in the country and the difference between various forms of early stage finance. To know how private equity funds are structured and their format of operation. To comprehend the entire gamut of post-investment support that can come with private equity capital. Who will benefit from this course Students Finance Professionals Entrepreneurs Employees of SMEs Anybody having interest in this subject Duration: 120 minutes No. of questions: 70 Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60) There is negative marking for incorrect answers. Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date. 1,726- (Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six Only) inclusive of service tax. Financial Services Foundation The objective of this module is to help students to get an overview of the financial world with an emphasis on careers related to financial analysis. The course also aims to build strong foundation for CFA, the most recognized Global Qualification in Investment Areas. The Financial Services Foundation Program is being offered by IMS Proschool - a leading Financial Services Education provider in India. The following are the benefits of the program: Orients you for career in fields such as Financial Analysis, Investment Banking, Equity Research and Portfolio Management. Helps you to take first steps towards global qualification in Investments - CFA (US). Equips you for a role in the Investment Industry or Financial KPOs. Also prepares you for Claritas certification from CFA Institute Details about the Module Who should do this course and why Undergraduates: who want to understand basics of finance evaluate Investment Finance as a career. Fresh graduates: who are ready to start working in finance or those planning for further studies in FinanceCFA. Professionals from non-finance background: who want to gain basic knowledge in Finance to help them in their fields or to evaluate if they would want to transition to a career in finance. BEBCA BSC graduates: who are planning to make a career in financial domain in IT companies. IMS Proschool Program Outline : Overview of Investment Industry Investment Tools: Financial Statement Analysis Economics Assets Classes: Equity, Derivatives, Fixed Income Portfolio Management Risk Management Excel Proficiency IMS Proschool Programs: Classroom Program - Currently available in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bhubaneswar, Bangalore, Navi Mumbai Distance Learning Program - Study Material will be provided online offline. At the end to the course the candidates will have to appear for the certification exam. The examination comprises of multiple choice questions. Who can appear for the certification exam Only those candidates who have successfully completed the Financial Services Foundation Program with IMS Proschool can appear for the certification exam. How to enrol for IMS Program This course is developed by SSA Business Solutions (P) Ltd. The NSE Certified Quality Analyst (NCQA) is a finance professional who has knowledge of quality tools and their uses and is involved in quality improvement projects, but doesnt necessarily come from a traditional quality area. NCQA modules have been prepared with a view to provide candidates the required application level knowledge and skills on quality thinking and quality tools such as Lean, 7 Steps of Problem Solving, Data Analysis Tools, and basics of Six Sigma in their everyday work. On successful completion of the course, the candidate should gain proficiency in executing small quality improvement projects, including collecting and analyzing voice of customer, gathering and analyzing data and re-engineering processes with a view to improving their efficiency and effectiveness. Why should one take this course To understand how quality relates to a professional in the finance world To understand the business relevance of Customer Focus and Quality To learn to apply data analysis and decision making tools in everyday work To develop an understanding of various popular problem solving tools and methodologies and learn a systematic approach to Quality Improvement To learn how to calculate productivity, and identify eliminate different types of waste in the process To gain recognition through the coveted NCFM certification process Who will benefit from this course Finance professionals from industries like Banking, NBFC, IT, Outsourcing, Auditing, Broking etc. Professionals from any service industry Finance function within a manufacturing industry Anyone interested in enhancing their Quality and Analytical skills Students aspiring to make a career in Finance Industry What do you need to get started Remember, you need to complete SSAs training and then undergo NCF Ms testing process. Hence, you need to register with both SSA and NSE. Just follow these simple steps: Register here to get your NCFM registration number. If a security warning pops up, just continue. If you need help registering click here You can skip this step if you already have an NCFM registration number. Not Registered with SSA Click here and click on Buy Now Enroll for the course Access SSA-NCQA e-learning module Complete the online course Supply SSA with the NCFM registration number Appear for NCQA test on NSE website Already registered with SSA Click here to access SSA-NCQA e-learning module Complete the online course Supply SSA with the NCFM registration number Appear for NCQA test on NSE website Pricing and What You Get: Issue Management Module This course is developed by Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. (FLIP). FLIP (learnwithflip) offers a range of e-learning certification programs across Banking Financial Services (BFS) . both for freshers and working professionals. Indian corporates are increasingly opting to raise long term funds directly from the market either locally or overseas. They engage the services of advisors called Merchant Bankers or Investment Bankers - to manage this entire process of issuance of financial instruments. This requires a specialized set of skills in capital markets a fast paced and exciting area. This is a coveted role in financial services. The issuance process starts from advising the client on what to raise (equity or debt) and where (local or international) to raise the funds. Details about the Module This course teaches you the entire issuance process of different financial instruments - Equities, ADRs, Bonds, CPs and FCCBs. It takes you step by step through the entire process, with timelines and the regulatory requirements. To view the course demo and course outline. Click here Who should do Flips Issue Management program The course is suitable for candidates with the following qualifications: MBAs ( Finance or Marketing) CAs GraduatesPost Graduates with some experience in the capital markets area Other working professionals looking to take up a role in issue management In terms of role suitability: This course is relevant for people looking to join the merchant banking division of: A large brokerage firm Any bank or A boutique investment house Enrolment Process To undergo the NCFM Issue Management certification, you need to complete the online training of Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. FLIP (learnwithflip) Market Risk Module This course is developed by Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. (FLIP) FLIP (learnwithflip) offers a range of e-learning certification programs across Banking Financial Services (BFS) . both for freshers and working professionals. quotMarkets fall 1000 points on election resultsquot quotMarkets rise 500 points as short-sellers run for coverquot Weve all seen the tremendous volatility that can occur in Financial Markets due to events like this. Market Risk is the risk of financial loss due to this volatility. It is critical for financial institutions to measure and manage this risk. This requires people with specific skill sets. Market Risk measurement is highly quantitative in nature, and requires a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics. If you are not comfortable with numbers, this is not the place for you. Details about the Module This course tells you how a risk manager measures and monitors market risk for his division. It also covers the RBI guidelines on market risk and covers the entire Market Risk management process in a financial institution To view the course demo and course outline: Click here Who should do FLIP39s Market Risk program The course is suitable for candidates with the following qualifications: MBAs ( Finance) CAs GraduatesPost Graduates with some knowledge of maths and statistics Other working professionals looking to take up a role in risk management. In terms of role suitability: This course is relevant for people looking to join the risk management function of: A financial institution or brokerage firm. Any bank in the TreasuryGlobal Markets division. This course is also relevant for business analysts working in an ITKPO firm offering solutions in risk management. Enrolment Process To undergo the NCFM Market Risk certification, you need to complete the online training of Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. FLIP (learnwithflip) Financial Modeling Course The focus of Financial modeling course is to prepare Graduates, CAs39, MBAs39 for the following roles:: Equity Research Analyst Project Finance Report Preparation Credit Rating Analysis Financial Analyst Business Analyst Financial Research The Financial Modeling course developed by IMS Proschool - a leading education service provider in India, is designed to impart the following skills in Financial Research: Investment Banking Fundamentals (Accounting, Economics, Financial Management, Financial Markets) Excel Proficiency Financial Modeling Details about the Module Who should do the Financial Modeling Program of IMS Proschool Candidates with following educational background interested in working for Financial Research firms based in India: Commerce Graduate with Excellent Accounting Skills CA Inter (and above) passed ICWA GraduatesPost Graduates in Economics with first class MBAs with excellent accounting skills Who can appear for the certification exam Only those candidates who have successfully completed the Financial Modeling Program with IMS Proschool can appear for the certification exam. How to enrol for IMS Program To view Sample Financial Modeling using Excel prepared by Proschool Student click here: proschoolonlineexcel-financial-modeling For information on Financial Modeling training classes in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkatta and other cities through Live Virtual Classroom visit: proschoolonlinefinancial-modeling-course Business Analytics Module Business Analytics (BA) and its related terms such as Business Intelligence, Big Data, Data Mining, etc. have become a powerful tool for growth in the 21st Century. Gartner, a global research firm, predicts that by 2015 nearly 4.4 million new jobs will be created globally by Business Analytics. BA is the process of converting data into insights. It is the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions. One of the primary users of Business Analytics is the Financial Sector. Models that predict credit quality, investment options, fraudulent credit card transactions and cross-sell up-sell possibility are very common in banks, insurance companies, credit rating organizations, research houses, etc. IMS Proschool (a leading education service provider in India) has developed a Certification in Business Analytics that prepares Graduates, Post Graduates, MBAs for the following roles: Analytics Manager Analytics Consultant Business Analyst Business Intelligence Manager Data Scientist The Certification is designed to impart the following skills in Business Analytics: Data Exploration using Statistics Predictive Analytics: Regression - Multiple, Linear and Logistic, Forecasting Data Mining Techniques: Classification, Clustering and Market Basket Analysis Excel, R and SAS Details about the Course You should pursue this Certification in Business Analytics, if You are a working professional who wants to supplement his her skill sets by learning advanced tools and te chniques to perhaps make a job-shift. You are a student who wants to start a career in Business Analytics. The backbone of Business Analytics is application of mathematical statistical fundamentals. Hence, candidates should be graduates with a flair for Mathematics and (or) Statistics. Who can appear for the certification exam Only those candidates who have successfully completed the Business Analytics Program with IMS Proschool can appear for the certification exam. How can I apply for the IMS Proschool program For information on Business Analytics training classes in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkatta and other cities visit: proschoolonlinecertification-business-analytics-course Investment Banking Operations - International This program is developed by Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. (FLIP). FLIP (learnwithflip ) offers a range of high quality, award winning e-learning certification programs across Banking Financial Services (BFS), both for freshers and working professionals. This online program is designed specifically for the IT audience, is the first of its kind in India. The programs at the advanced level are ideal for IT professionalsBusiness Analysts engaged in BFS projects. They equip you with the necessary domain knowledge, to interact with customers confidently, and better understand their requirements. Details about the Module This is a first of its kind e-learning program, targeted for those looking for a career in the aspirational area of Investment Banking. This program covers the Investment banking operations in international markets. It includes the trade life cycle of equities, fixed income, foreign exchange, structured products and derivatives. GraduatesB-schoolers, are both eligible for such careers, and this program will give your CV the desired edge. To view the course demo and course outline: Click here Who should do this program The course is suitable for candidates with the following qualifications: EngineersOther Graduates looking for a BFS career in ITKPOBPO MBAsPost Graduates looking for a Business analyst role in ITKPO Other working professionals, looking to move into BFS in ITKPO In terms of role suitability: This course is relevant for people looking to join the BFS vertical of a: Enrolment Process To undergo the NCFM Investment Banking Operations International certification, it is mandatory to complete the e-learning (training) of Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. FLIP (learnwithflip)Music Business SELECT A COURSE BABSc (Hons) Music Business How yoursquoll learn Enterprise and entrepreneurship are capabilities essential to success in this thriving and evolving sector. Through close links with the industry yoursquoll be inspired by guest lectures and have the opportunity to take part in masterclasses with the likes of producers, musicians, entrepreneurs and impresarios. In the context of the creative media industries yoursquoll learn functional business skills such as human resources management, operations management, marketing and law. Yoursquoll also learn the fundamentals of practical business skills from project management and business planning to digital communication strategies. Sound business and sector knowledge gained on the course, along with your ability to think strategically, will enable you to become an effective business leader. Essential to your experience is the quality and range of facilities offered at SAE. Each campus is equipped with custom-built, soundproofed studios for acoustic and amplified music and you will find industry standard effects processing units, compressors and mixing consoles. To support your studies, each campus has a reference library and you will have access to hundreds of online journals and research material. There are also Mac labs and PCs loaded with the latest digital audio workstation applications (DAWs) including Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic X and Ableton. Visit our facilities page to learn more about the equipment available at each of our campuses. Now is truly exciting time to be in the music business as technological advances and behavioural change present new opportunities. Our focus on entrepreneurship and enterprise will help you to seize these opportunities as the industry continues to adapt and evolve. SAE has alumni working across the world in the music industry. Yoursquoll be joining an international community of over 10,000 graduates, giving you unrivalled access to a network of potential business partners. Industry Overview To understand where the music industry is at right now, you must first look back to how itrsquos evolved, its relevant sub-sectors and history of accomplishments in order to understand reasons for trends and procedures in the existing industry today. We also provide you with a broad overview of the industryrsquos institutions and their impact on each other and the industry as well as advising you of regulations and systems of revenue collections. Indicative List of Topics Social, political and economic context History of music Aesthetics of music genres Historical perspective Industry overview Industry intermediaries Money flows and collecting agencies Contemporary issues and future perspective Genre and Music Industry Analysis Industry Relations Presentation On completion of the module the student will be able to: Outline the infrastructure of the industry Identify key players in the industry and illustrate its value chain Illustrate systems for revenue collection and income flow Articulate historical development of music and its value to the entertainment industries Illustrate the interplay between different industry players Employ appropriate use of industry terminology Identify aesthetic elements of a music genrescene, by aural analysis Summarise the regulatory systems of the industry Academic and Professional Practice In this module we introduce you to proven concepts and routines of academic research, critique and writing , and nurture these skills to ensure that you apply good study practice and management throughout your studies. We aim to familiarise you with the theories of culture and communication and develop a basic understanding of the creative media industries and your potential role as a professional creative media practitioner. Together, all of these skills will help you develop transferable career skills to aid your job search upon graduation. Indicative List of Topics Learning theories and methods Introduction to basic concepts and tools of project management, including group and collaborative work Tools for career development Defining and developing goals and outcomes Concepts of, practices in, and reasons for research Writing skills (articles, essays, journals, reports, proposals) and the differences between concept development and presentation format Essay structure, paragraph structure, sentence structure Concept of a thesishypothesis Ownership, intellectual copyright and plagiarism Referencing, APA and Harvard Introduction to culture and cultural movements Overview of the creative media industries Cultural and Industry Analysis Career Pathway Industry Sector Comparison On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Summarise basics of learning theories and their application in learning, communication and teamwork Explain academic practice, critical thinking and reasons for their importance Identify k ey players in the creative media industries and discuss their interplay with wider cultural, economical, political and geographical phenomena Articulate a thought-through plan for development of a career, project or concept Derive tasks from goals, plan time and resources accordingly and manage working in group context Present an objective argument succinctly in written form employing a standard referencing system Apply the most appropriate method of learning in a given scenario and adapt learning methods when needed Discuss culture and communication in different media disciplines (audio, picture, film, web) Profiling and Content Management The thriving publishing industry is one of the most exiting and diverse sectors of the music industries. This module will introduce you to the sector, its relative legal frameworks and look at the practical skills needed. You will touch upon graphic design, web design whilst also looking further into production planning and management. Indicative List of Topics Copyright Music Publishing Publishing Contracts Audiomusic Production Graphics Photography Web amp Design Publishing Analysis, Monetisation and Planning Artist Media Portfolio On completion of the module the student will be able to: Appraise music copyright laws and discuss copyright in relation to publishing and music productions Interpret the key paragraphs, restraints and clauses in a publishing contract Discuss sound and audio productions in terms of theories of sound, recording and sound production Relate to photography, graphic design and brand consistency in a manner relevant to the music industries Describe web design and online best practice in relation to music industries Explain publishing contracts and apply appropriate legal frameworks in regards to copyright, licensing and rights usage Identify publishing opportunities, both in traditional and new media Demonstrate the ability to record, edit and manipulate sound in basic arrangements Create and manipulate multimedia content appropriate for artist promotion Marketing, Business Planning and Law In this module, we will equip you with a basic knowledge and understanding of concepts and analytical tools in business and marketing, as well as key legal and ethical issues relative to the creative media industries. The module will also introduce students to communication theories and how they shape the way in which we engage and understand each other in a social, cultural and economic context. Indicative List of Topics Business Legal Enterprise, Entrepreneurship Ethical Eonsiderations Marketing Eoncepts Market Segmentation and Targeting Marketing amp Promotional Strategies Brand Development Brand Management Product Development Communication Models and Theories Crafting the Pitch Presentation Techniques Business and Marketing Portfolio On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of basic business and marketing concepts and practices in relation to the creative media industries Discuss legal and ethical issues of the creative media industries Demonstrate a familiarity with basic concepts of communication studies Apply business and marketing planning concepts Effectively communicate business and marketing ideas and proposals Summarise the needs of a given situation, and then communicate their ideas succinctly in a fashion appropriate to that context Identify the contents of a basic contract and draw conclusions as to its tenabi lity Enterprise 1 Grasping the key concepts of, and skills needed for enterprise and entrepreneurship, we aim to further your ability to function effectively in the business world by introducing you to the key concepts and workflows of management concepts and systems of HR. You will learn to devise and develop advanced brand concepts and adapt established marketing models, strategies and techniques in a manner suitable for a given brand or product. Indicative List of Topics Micro amp Macro management concepts Change Management Planning Human Resources Risk Analysis Leadership Skills Sales and Negotiation Introduction to Business Budgeting Start-ups Brands and Trademarks Marketing Strategy continued Marketing in New Media Search Engine Optimisation Marketing Analysis (case studies) Artist as a Brand Business and Marketing Plan Portfolio of Associated Materials On completion of the module the student will be able to: Critically discuss different management approaches to best apply them to specific business projectsscenarios Discuss the interplay between brand, product, management and marketing Argue the values in developing a strong, meaningful and coherent brand Appraise the workings and benefits of different marketing strategies and their appropriateness to different outcomes Design systems for effective use of time and resources Develop a coherent brand concept Conclude and employ the most appropriate marketing strategies for a given productservice Plan and deliver small to medium projects, including presenting budgets and timelines Creative Production This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. This module aims to further your ability to engage in a reflective process in parallel, with your production practice. It seeks to provide you with the opportunity to explore focused production practice in your own, or other related disciplines and to advance their holistic production skills. Building on previous production management experience, through adhering to specific briefs in larger production situations, the module aims to develop your aesthetic judgement to give you a focussed opportunity to develop advanced production skills in a specific field, on a larger scale. Indicative List of Topics Practical Production Planning Production Techniques in relevant discipline Specialised digital production software Innovative use of built-in software features Production Planning Methods for evaluation Reflective and Critical Analysis Giving, receiving and learning from feedback Cross-disciplinary production practice On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Evaluate their own production processes and creative decisions Discuss media production processes in a wider theoretical context Differentiate between good ideas, and good ideas that will improve a production in its entirety Apply production theories to practical production techniques Produce complex digital media products to a high standard Experiment with production techniques based on feedback Produce detailed, yet concise project evaluations Digital Photography This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. Break down barriers to creative design, by understanding the full potential of the kit you are using. In this module we give you an overview of the camera and photography technically, aesthetically and culturally, as well as a detailed understanding of both the technical and aesthetic aspects of digital photography. We will expand your technical and artistic expertise in photography, digital photo manipulation and post-production, whilst also gaining a full-spectrum review of smartphone photography and the user culture associated, with it to be able to utilise all methods of film and photography. Indicative List of Topics Physics of light and colour Optics Camera construction and its development Film vs digital Sensors, ISO Aperture, shutter and shutter times Lenses File formats Industry standards (manufacturers) Lighting and Flash photography Other equipment tripods, stands, mounts fixed lighting, flash, omni-bouncers and reflectors filters, monitors backgrounds (whitegreen screen etc.) Innovative use of cameras for effect Smartphone photography restrictions and benefits utilising their strengths Studioindoor, liveoutdoor Make-up Filming with DSLRs History of photography Style Photography and art Narrative and rhetoric in photography Photo-journalism and documentary On completion of the module the student will be able to: Examine the effect of camerasrsquo construction on light and image Discuss technical theory of photography Discuss history of photographic art and its impact on culture Analyse the impact of quick access smartphone technology, on photographic and communicatio n culture Use DSLRs both in controlled indoor environments (studio) and uncontrolled outdoor situations (live), to achieve pre-defined outcomes Demonstrate understanding of clientsrsquo desired outcomes and adherence to brief Apply a variety of camera handling skills to quickly solve unforeseen problems arising during a photo shoot Practice image correction and manipulation in post production environment Apply a variety of photographic skills to drive rhetoric and narrative in imagery Electronic Music Production This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. We will introduce you to the contemporary tools and workflows needed to analyse, identify, produce and distribute computer-based electronic music and remixes. You will form a deep understanding of the production techniques and history of electronic music, study music theory and the design of electronic sounds, before going on to plan, set-up and operate your own home studio environment. Indicative List of Topics MIDI Sequencing Sound Synthesis and Sound Programming Sampling and Sample Libraries MIDI - and Audio-Editing Beat Programming Vocal Recording and Editing Studio Set-ups Songwriting and Music Theory for Electronic Music Arrangement and Remix Music Genres within Electronic Music Special Effects and Automation Mixing TechniquesInternal Mixing Final Mixdown and Mastering Interactive Music Performance Distribution and Promotion of Electronic Music Electronic Music Production On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Identify different electronic music genres and their production workflows Illustrate the principles behind the most important sound synthesis concepts Discuss different studio environments and live setups designed for producing and performing electronic music List services and promotion tools for the distribution of electronic music Operate sequencers, synthesisers, samplers and virtual mixing environments including effect-plugins and automation, in a practical and creative context Produce, mix and master electronic music, remixes and sound-alikes Perform vocal recordings and the editing of audio material, using special effects in a creative and practical context Plan and set up production environments for home studios and implement live performances Web Applications This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. After first getting familiar with the principles of web application development, you will then delve deeper into the process and how to use web servers and web-languages to develop cross-platform compatible content for users. This module also introduces you to more than just user-oriented websites, it builds a bridge between web-page oriented development and the interaction development in the internet. Indicative List of Topics Ajax Crawling Security (Cross-Site-Scripting, Cross-Domain Security) Dependency Management OOP Design Patterns Server Side Usage (e. g. Node. js) Frameworks and Libraries (e. g. angular js, spine, backbone. js, Sencha Touch, jQuery Mobile, Phonegap, Appcelerator Titanium) CSS-Preprocessors (e. g. SASS, Stylus, LESS) Server Side Web Application or Hybrid Mobile Application Development Project On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Discuss different types of web applications and user experience Explain the architecture of applications Demonstrate the functioning of web servers Identify the most used application frameworks Implement OOP and design patterns Apply server side applications techniques proficiently Build performing integrated applications Integrate web sockets Short Promotional Film This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. Corporate and promotional films require an entirely new train of thought - you must accept a brief to engage with a specific audience and create an emotional need within them to go ahead and purchase a potential clientrsquos products. Online content is king these days and if you show a flair for this type of filmmaking, you can be incredibly successful. This module will develop the subtle intricacies involved in preparing this type of short film, whilst all the while working towards your portfolio of work. Indicative List of Topics Film Studies Commercial and Promotional Film Styles Pre Production Project Planning Production Commercial Production Techniques Grips Operation Post Production Commercial Editing Techniques Titling, Effects and Animation Short Promotional Film On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Systematically plan and execute the creation a short promotional film Analyse choices made during film production, to accurately predict the impact to the desires audience Apply a range of production and postproduction techniques to effectively promote a brand, product or service using AV media Work to a production plan, making informed decisions to ensure effective communication between product and consumer Operate equipment, hardware and software used in professional film production Engage with independent and self directed learning, to effect continued and sustained personal and professional development Practical Mobile App Design This is an elective mo dule. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. We provide you with an overview of the mobile app industry, its history, user areas and user culture. We will provide you with an understanding of, and skills in, User Interface Design (UID) and User Experience (UX) specifically for mobile app design. By using a lsquodrag and droprsquo middleware to be able to, without programming skills, design and develop a viable concept for a mobile app, and produce a working version at completion. Indicative List of Topics Overview of Application (App) industry Uses, users and user needs User Experience (UX) and User Interface Design (UID) Key Functions Application Architecture Design Process Legal and Copyright considerations Testing, Distributing and Selling Apps Information architecture Basic Concepts of Coding Middleware for App creation Use of Media Use of device functions (camera, microphone, accelerometer) Prototyping Mobile Application Case Study Mobile Application Development On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Illustrate understanding of User Experience (UX) needs, in an App context Analyse user needs and behaviour when using Apps Explain architecture of applications Discuss the cultural impact of mobile apps, their development and use Use established middleware to produce basic working apps Apply knowledge of consumer needs in User Experience (UX) and User Interface Design (UID) Plan and carry-out basic User Experience (UX) surveys Design and manage content of mobile apps Business Planning This module aims to introduce you to more advanced theories and concepts relating to business-startups whilst further developing your business management and leadership skills. We seek to extend your knowledge of economics and finance, data management and statistics, and the importance of these aspects to business planning and development. You will learn to identify and address legal frameworks surrounding both data management and human resources, and how to create professional business plans and presentations, developing a deeper understanding of their relationship with securing investment. Indicative List of Topics Business planning and analysis Data management Statistics and Analytics Economybudgets HR Market Analysis Business Proposal On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Summarise business planning theories and techniques Discuss the importance of statistics, analytics and trend analysis Analyse routines and legal frameworks in managing data Identify and compare areas of corporate responsibility and legal frameworks surrounding human resource management. Apply both basic and advanced business planning concepts Apply communication skills and theories to business planning and strategies Successfully communicate their business ideas through both presentations and written documentation Display knowledge of data management and integrate it successfully their coursework. Enterprise 2 Get ready to combine your ingenuity and concept development with project management skills in order to become more enterprising entrepreneurs. You will combine your existing skills and knowledge of the music and entertainment business to find, develop, constructively criticise and adapt ideas to bring to the market-place effectively and efficiently. We aim to refine your management skills and equip you with a strong understanding of the concepts and routines of project management, and the ability to utilise all of these skills and concepts appropriately. Indicative List of Topics Objective Development and Brainstorming Techniques Risk Analysis Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators Adaptability and Lateral Thinking Inclusiveexclusive approach What, How, Why Knock-on Effects (positive amp negative) Connecting the dots - links to brand points Project Components Established Methods Workflows Leadership Devise and Develop a Live Music Event On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Discuss how to best develop new ideas and continually critique them Examine markets and brands, identify similarities in these and then to develop meaningful products from the conclusions Select a project management methodmodel appropriate to a given task Discuss the key factors of established project management models and their suitability to different tasks and people Separate business opportunities from problems and develop these opportunities into succinct ideasproposals Devise techniques to repeatedly generate new id eas and to then refine them to be viable business projects, or parts there of Design suitable systems to plan for, monitor, evaluate and deliver a detailed project on time, budget and in scope, and adaptemploy established project management methods, when appropriate Organise their work in team-based projects and demonstrate leadership skills Calculate meaningful improvements to products and project management systems through careful evaluation of previous projects in their entirety as well as their sub-sections Select, combine and utilise suitable existing knowledge and skills in the interests of being enterprising and effective in the business world Research Practice and Society Research is key to the successful outcome of any creative project and this module aims to develop within you an advanced critical understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and their application for both artistic and scientific research. You will advance your knowledge, planning and implementation of research based inquiry to address specific questions, whilst developing an in-depth understanding of the creative media industries and your potential role as a creative media practitioner. Together we will broaden your understanding of the ongoing interplay between science and the history of ideas, culture and creative media, to give your work the depth it requires to have a profound effect in the market-place. Indicative List of Topics Research Methodologies and their application in the creative media industries Artistic and Scientific research and practice Theories and Paradigms of research Contemporary issues surrounding research Developing a research question hypothesis Gathering, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data Literature review and critical analysis of existing research Research Ethics Creative media industries: past, present and future The role of practitioners in the creative media industries History of ideas, and scientific and cultural theories Types of culture Scientific and cultural issues, the development of ideas over time and cultural diversity Decoding science and culture: communication, meaning and semiotics Cultural Analysis Creative Media Practitioner Analysis Major Project Proposal On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Evaluate a range of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies used in creative media Critically ana lyse previously researched specific contemporary issues relating to different areas of the creative media industries Analyse a variety of creative industry sectors and their relation to the arts Discuss continuing professional development strategies Compare different and changing cultural ideas Critically appraise the interplay between culture and consumers of culture Apply qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods in academic and creative media contexts Select the most appropriate research method(s) to address a particular research question Develop a personal continuing professional development plan Communicate their knowledge of cultural issues effectively, through comparative analysis of cultural ideas Industry Engagement This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. Through a range of experiences that may consist of a single placement, or a series of industry engagements you will experience an enhanced understanding of workplace dynamics, facilitate active industry engagement, and be exposed to current realities and practices within your chosen field. You will work to create a portfolio of work that will facilitate an invaluable, informed transition from education to the workplace. Indicative List of Topics Critically analysing currenthistorical industry trends and practices (case study approach) Industry Engagement Analysis Becoming a reflective practitioner Logbook Development Building a Portfolio Supervisor Consultation Combination of directed and self directed industry engagement activities Industry Engagement Portfolio Industry Engagement Activity and Report On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Examine advanced theoretical and applied perspectives, ethical principles and other knowledge applicable to the workpractice context Reflect on the engagement of other industry practitioners and their contribution to the workpractice Posit a well reasoned rationale for the choice of methods of inquiry that have informed creative approaches to action planningproblem solving, contextualising the choices Evaluate the process of designing and developing your industry based activity and how its outcomes have contributed to enhancing your workpr actice and that of others Engage and take responsibility for future professional development using the learning from the projectinquiry process Demonstrate coherent and organised communication, interpersonal and networking skills, when sharing ideas and information within an industry based setting Develop an effective portfolio, with a range of suitable materials that support the students career related focus Object-Web Interaction Design and Development This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. This module aims to develop your knowledge of and skills in ubiquitous computing (UbiC), bringing the real physical world and the digital world of mobile devices together. We develop your ability to design and implement systems to enable interaction between environment based information and technology, interconnecting Smart Objects with IP. You will broaden your understanding of data transmission between servers and learn how to utilise that data to assist useful application of technology in the physical world, controlling servosrobotics automatically and remotely, and using sensors to generate events in an application. Indicative List of Topics Proximity Networking Continuous Sensory Inputs Embedded Operating Systems and Basic Components Language Specific Coding Object serialisation, flatfiles, hashes, data access speed, size tradeoffs and SQL (queries) Databasing (structure) Transmission Formats Concepts of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiC) Prototyping (Lo-fi) Sensor Types and Handling Micro-electronics ARM boards e. g Raspberry PI, Arduino etc. Hacking Electronics Debugging physical systems, network fault-finding, sensor network diagnostics Ubiquitous Computing Application Prototype On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Appraise systems for proximity networking Design complex flows of information Evaluate the interplay between hardware and software systems Propose solutions for practicalphysical problems with ubiquitous computing systems Select the most appropriate coding platformprotocol for the solutiontask at hand Demonstrate innovative use of existing hardware to create use ful solutions in conjunction with Apps and networks Construct systems for transmission and retrieval of data between sensors and a database Demonstrate ability to manipulate IP Protocol Architecture Demonstrate ability to connect Smart Object Hardware with Software and databases Create Transport Protocols Advanced Specialised Project This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. By choosing a specific area of specialisation, you will develop a stronger awareness of your professional interests and the ability of directing the professional development of your future career. You will learn how to assess your own skills and knowledge and develop strategies to bring them to the desired level. We develop your professional practice through the planning and development of either a study or practical based activity, carried out individualy or as a team. Indicative List of Topics This module is highly customisable by each student (or group of students), therefore a specific syllabus will be proposed by them and agreed with their assigned tutor and supervised by the programme coordinator. However, the following subjects will be normally included: Self Assessment Project Planning and Management Resource Allocation Time Management Reporting and Presentation Depending on the nature of the project, this assignment can be a practical component of one major media production, a portfolio of more than one smaller projects or a written component such as an essay or an argumentative article. Students are required to present their project to their peers, focusing more on their professional development rather than on the project itself. On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Evaluate their preparation on a specific area of the chosen discipline Decide an area of specialisation based on industry andor personal requirements Evaluate their progress independently Develop subject-specific knowledge according to their proposed project Apply analytical skills to their own knowledge, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses Develop a study plan to achieve the desired skills or knowledge Organise their and other peoplersquos work effectively, in order to complete the chosen activity Present the outcomes of their work in a convincing and effective manner Develop subject specific practical skills, according to their proposed project Advanced Marketing This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. The aim of the module is to broaden your knowledge of marketing operations, whilst giving you the opportunity to specialise and progress into niche areas of further study. It aims to develop your ability to plan and operate marketing campaigns, through simulation and use of narrative, in long-term, strategic marketing and brand awareness projects. Indicative List of Topics Strategic brand management blogging email newsletters product placement and sponsorship Advanced marketing research methods Case studies in marketing theories Consumer behavioural psychology Management information systems Strategic marketing simulation Media-neutral marketing Digital marketing and electronic e-commerce Contemporary issues in marketing Developing engaging stories Psychology of narrative and engagement Narrative in new media Social media marketing Multimedia presence (Youtube, Vimeo, Pinterest) Case studies e. g. GoPro, Redbull etc. User communities Trans-media and media-neutral planning, in communications Creative approaches to marketing and advertising Brand narrative in marketing communication World of mouth and peer-to-peer communication Participatory cultures Design and Market a New Product or Service Marketing Strategy On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Critically assess classical and contemporary marketing theories and their relevance to marketing practitioners Evaluate the effect of advertising strategies on consumer decision making Defend the appropriateness of a given narrative form for a given target group and brand or product Criticise narrative and particularly narrative used in marketing and brand awareness contexts Design a viable marketing campaign, making use of innovative and contemporary marketing theories Measure the effectiveness and efficiency of proposed marketing strategies, through simulation and evaluation Manage long-term marketing strat egies, based on a variety of theories and using different media Compose engaging narratives, drawing on a range of methods and theories Appraise a marketing processcampaign and derive strategy improvements from this Recording Management This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. This module aims to deepen your knowledge of management and business in the context of recording environments, whilst broadening your perspective on music production. It aims to draw attention to psychological, regulatory and operating issues around recording management and give you specialised skills within the job titles of studio manager and recording session manager, as managers within the recording industry. Indicative List of Topics Historical overview of recording studios Recording studio profiles and standard set-ups Expense planning Equipment and supplies Pricing strategy and market analysis Income sources and competition Contracts Advertising and PR Teamwork psychology, dynamics and performance Employment law and HampR Financial statements and book keeping Session management Locationfield recording EquipmentLocations Large scale recording sessions Legal forms and agreements Recording based business or project proposal Recording venture analysis presentation On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Evaluate the effectiveness of resource allocation within the context of recording environments Evaluate appropriateness of recording strategies, by analyzing documentation and other relevant sources of information Evaluate the appropriateness of a business start-up proposal, based on the specific needs of a recording venture Relate music business concepts to recordin g studios issues and workflows Produce a business plan for a sustainable recording endeavour Plan and organise tasks and issues, in a thorough production schedule Choose appropriate solutions, team members and strategies, to achieve production goals Support production teams on contractual and regulatory issues Business Law and Legislation This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. In this module you will further your ability to reason and argue cases based on legal precedent. By furthering your understanding of business legislation, trading agreements and contract law, we will expand your ability to identify and determine consequences of breach of contract and to give them the opportunity to specialise in a field of business, better allowing them to progress into niched areas of further studies. Indicative List of Topics Trading agreements Global variation International trading agreements Government policy Tax legislation Patenting Corporate organisation and legal responsibility Recognising contracts Formation, discharge and enforceability Parties of contract Contract variationdeviation from terms of contract Interpretation of paragraphs Consequences of breach of contract Fulfillment of contract Terms amp clauses On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Demonstrate detailed knowledge of specific areas of legislation Discuss terms and consequences of contract law in specific areas of legislation Evaluate case precedents Discuss the future development of contract law Criticise and defend the terms of a contract Evaluate existing legislation and contract precedents Formulate convincing arguments in support of solutions to contractual problems Design a contract relevant to a specific area of legislation Event Production This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. Live events are a large part of any artistrsquos career and income. As a manager, promoter or live events coordinator, this sector will test every angle of your people skills, your organisational prowess and push your business acumen to the max. We aim to challenge and extend your knowledge of selling, planning and managing live events, whilst paying heed to the legislative opportunities and restrictions applicable to them. This gives you the opportunity to focus your existing general knowledge and skills in business administration and marketing into a specific area, which will develop all of these skills ready for life in the industry. Indicative List of Topics Crew, Location, Budget, Concept, Audience Health and Safety Licenses Types of Event Group Behavioural and Consumer Psychology Premises Marketing of Events Staffcrew Communication Skills Security Catering Contingency Plans Technical Solutions Logistics lsquoGet-outrsquo Routines and Planning De-brief and Evaluation Event Analysis Conceive, Develop, Plan and Deliver an event On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in an event plan Evaluate the appropriateness of an event concept to a given audiencetarget group Select the most appropriate marketing strategy for an event Compare the strengths of concept, location, crew, budget, and audience to find the best interplay between them Manage the productionexecution of a live event Design a viable strategy for delivering a live event Evaluate the needs of a given audiencetarget group to be able to design an experience that will result in a high satisfaction rate for that audience Effectively arrange an optimal interplay between concept, location, crew, budget, and audience Communication This is an elective module. You are given the opportunity to choose an elective module in Trimester 3 and Trimester 5 of your degree course. Please check electives lists on each of our London, Liverpool. Oxford and Glasgow campuses as local availability may vary. This module will further your understanding of established communication models in society and media, allowing you to develop practical skills in negotiation, coaching, feedback culture and outcome orientated communication. You will examine established corporate communication systems, expanding your skill-set into their environment with a very practical approach to getting measurable results through designed communication strategies. This will help in setting you up to work alongside or acting as PR account managers, client directors and social media managers. Indicative List of Topics Established Models Mass Communication Focused Areas of Communication Metacommunication Communication Roles and Departments Interactive Communication Communication in New and Social Media Psychology of Layout and Design Body Language of the Web (non-rsquoverbalrsquo communication) Defining Outcomes Getting Results Developing Trust and Feedback Cultures Strategic Writing Positive Outcome Orientation Clean Language (Grove) and Hypnotic Language (Erickson) Sales Language Communication Strategy Communication Portfolio On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Assess existing communication systems and patterns in corporate communication Evaluate the existing feedback culture in a group or organisation Integrate understanding of established communication models and preferences into communication planning Interpret and discuss the effect of communication methods on desired outcomes, in different scenarios Propose the most suitable forms of comm unication for a given outcome Design a viable communication plan and style guide, for an organisation or event Measure the communicatory habits and preferences of a (sales) target group, to best be able to design a sales orientated communication plan Compose suitable content for strategic writing and copywriting Major Project (BA or BSc) Your major project is intended to demonstrate a range of advanced skills in accordance with the requirements of a substantial level six project. Through successful completion, you will also exhibit your capacity to conduct independent projects and manage a large-scale venture. Central to the module is an exploration of research methodologies and their applications or their own artistic style and its presentation to the public. You will develop a project proposal and submit this for approval. You will then manage all aspects involved in the preliminary and planning phases, through to realisation. Your major project is self-generated and may take one of many different forms, there is however an expectation that the final deliverable will be of a calibre that will help progress you into employment or postgraduate work. Research methods for a BA-Project could imply interviews, surveys, audience-tests (audio, video, web etc.) or observations of user behaviour. Alternatively the student can focus on a high-quality creative portfolio, presenting their own artistic works to the public and evaluating their own style and performance. Research methods for a BSc-Project could imply calculations, measurements, simulations or observations of technicalscientific correlations. On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Analyse a specialised field of interest Outline creative aspects within their specialised field Discuss appropriate methodologies needed to undertake reliable and valid research, or production of a creative portfolio Plan the complex processes involved in the implementation of a major project Successfully apply appropriate methodologies needed to undertake reliable and valid research Apply academic and creativepractical skills appropriate to the level of study Manage a major project independently, professionally and efficiently Communicate effectively the outcomes Grade C or above As a creative school, SAE Institute is always looking for people who are excited about the creative media industries. For applications from mature students, we also consider work and life experience. In such cases, SAE Institute requires applicants to provide satisfactory evidence of their ability to successfully complete the programme. You will be expected to submit a digital portfolio and a CV. For International equivalence of UK qualifications, please email ukadmissionssae. edu. SAE Institute uses the services of NARIC when providing advice to interational applicants. English Language Requirements If English is not your first language, or if your previous education was not conducted fully in English, you will need to provide documented evidence of your English language competence to study a course with us. If you are from the EUEEA, we are able to accept a range of English language tests. The standard requirement is at a level B2 in accordance to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). We require a level B2 standard in all of the elements: Popular tests include: Pearson Test of English ( PTE academic), with a minimum of 51 in each component Cambridge ESOL Proficiency Test in English (CPE), at no lower than grade C Cambridge ESOL Advanced Test in English ( CAE), at no lower than grade C TOEFL iBT with a score of 80, with no less than 17 in any component IELTS (Academic or General) with an overall score of 6.0 and a minimum of 5.5 in each component For EUEEA applicants we are able to accept other English language tests which are equivalent to a level B2 in accordance to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). Please email ukadmissionssae. edu for clarification on whether the English language course or test that you have studied is acceptable. International Students (i. e. Students from outside the EUEEA) From April 6th 2015, international applicants requiring a Tier 4 visa can only apply for a visa with an IELTS qualification (IELTS (Academic or General) with an overall score of 6.0 and a minimum of 5.5 in each component) taken at one of a small number of approved centres around the world. Only tests taken at approved centres will be allowed for applications for a Tier 4 visa to enter the UK. Please click here for approved centres. If an applicant is currently studying in the UK, it is also possible to take a Trinity College London B2 level test. These can only be taken at an approved UK test centre. Please email ukadmissionssae. edu for clarification on whether the English language course or test that you have studied is acceptable. Recognition of Prior Learning Applicants who hold a qualification from another institution, or who have formally completed components of another qualification, must submit authorised evidence of those achievements at the time of application to SAE Institute. Please refer to Policy A06 Academic Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for details. Access to degree via SAE Diploma Applicants for degree study who have successfully completed the relevant SAE Diploma in a campus outside of the UK may normally progress to the 2nd year of the total programme and carry credit, (120 cps60 ECTS at level 4 and 60cps30ECTS at level 5), towards the award. This only applies to degree programmes validated by Middlesex University. SAE is a private higher education provider. All of our courses are Designated. Designation allows students to access funding for their courses in the usual way. There are various forms of funding available for students wishing to study at SAE: Student Tuition Fee Loan This is the goverment funded student tuition fee loan. Funding towards tuition fees is available to UKEU students, but does not cover the whole course fee Alternative Financing Through alternative private student financing providers Please note that other sources of funding may be available. Tuition Fees vary according to the campus and whether you are a UKEU student or an international student. For the London, Oxford and Liverpool campuses, fees are pound9,000 per year for UKEU Students and pound12,000 per year for international students. From September 2016 international student fees will rise to pound13,000 per year. Fees at our Glasgow campus are pound7,000 per year UKEU and pound10,000 international students per year. From September 2016 international student fees will rise to pound11,000 per year. International students are not eligible for payment plans. First year tuition fees are payable in advance once you have accepted your offer. As our degrees are only 2 years, you save a considerable amount on both tuition fees and living expenses when compared to a traditional 3 year degree. So, you can study and graduate with a much lower level of student debt The tuition fee loan does not cover the whole course fee, it is capped. So, there is an amount that you may need to pay through your own means. We understand this is not always easy, especially when you don39t have an income, which is why we have developed payment plans to spread the difference you need to pay. If you are not eligible for funding, we have payment plans for you too. International students are not eligible for payment plans. First year tuition fees are payable in advance once you have accepted your offer. BIS (the Government Department of Business Industry amp Skills) requires Alternative Providers to undergo annual designation monitoring as a condition of continued designation. This allows students to access support from the Student Loans Company. If this designation monitoring is not successful, students would not be entitled to funding. SAE Institute has been successful in achieving and maintaining designation for all its courses to date. Any updates on our designation status will be posted on our website. If you have any questions around designation, or would like to speak to us, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Students studying on higher education courses may be eligible for various forms of funding including student loans and grants. SAE Institute is a private institution, this means that student tuition fee loans may not cover the full tuition fee. There may be some differences depending on the region you come from and the information below provides a guide towards what you could be entitled to as well as where to go to find more detailed information. Students following Higher Education programmes (BABSc or DipHE) can apply for a student loan of up to pound6000 per year covering part of the course fees. The Student Loans Company (SLC) Tuition Fee Loan is paid on a studentrsquos behalf to SAE Institute. You may also qualify for a maintenance loan to help you with your day to day living costs For more information, advice, eligibility and online application, please visit direct. gov. ukstudentfinance Partial funding from SAAS (Student Awards Agency for Scotland) is available as a grant to qualifying Scottish students studying in Scotland of up to pound1205 per year. Scottish students studying in England will get the same tuition fee loan as UK students of up to pound6000 per year. Students may also qualify for a maintenance loan and additional grants dependent on personal circumstances to help you with your day to day living costs. For more information, advice, eligibility and online application, please visit: saas. gov. ukindex. htm Tuition Fee support is available for students who are Northern Ireland residents and studying at a wholly private Higher Education Institution in the UK. Students may also qualify for a maintenance loan and additional grants dependent on personal circumstances to help with your day to day living costs. See Student Finance NI for more information: studentfinanceni. co. uk There is currently no funding available. For up-to-date information visit studentfinancewales. co. uk Depending on your circumstances you can apply to Student Finance England for help with tuition fees. EU students who have been resident in the UK for more than five years and can provide evidence of doing so, are also able to apply for a maintenance loan. For further information, advice and eligibility please visit Student Finance EU: gov. ukstudent-finance Future Finance Student Loans We are really pleased to let you know that we have partnered with Future Finance (as an alternative source of funding for our students). The benefits of Future Finance are: They offer loans to all students with a UK domiciled address, (assuming they meet appropriate credit checks, and are 18 or over) irrelevant to which level of study Loans are offered from pound2.5 - pound40K, and can include living costs as well as tuition fees Loans are repayable up to 10 years and three months after graduation Students can apply for up to four payment breaks of 3 months each during the loan period Representative 11.4 APR (variable). Please note that other sources of funding may be available. Further details of eligibility requirements, interest rates and other key terms of the loan are available by visiting the Future Finance website sae. financemyfuture. co. uk Graduates from this course have many career options and have gone on to diverse employment destinations which include: Artist Manager Studio Manager PR Director Music Journalist Booking Agent Royalty Analyst Digital Strategist Social Content Editor Stage Manager Tour Promoter This programme may not be available across all of our four UK campuses. If there is insufficient demand to ensure an excellent learning and teaching experience meaning that we are unable to offer this course at the campus of or on the date your choice, we will offer you a place at an alternative campus subject to availability. For further information on course availability, please call our Admissions team on 03330 112 315 or email enquiriessae. edu. This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by SAE Institute, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University. Students will receive a Middlesex award on successful completion of their studies. SAE Institute reserves the right to make revisions and changes to the information presented in line with continuous improvement actions, and stakeholder feedback. This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by SAE Institute, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University. Students will receive a Middlesex award on successful completion of their studies. SAE Institute reserves the right to make revisions and changes to the information presented in line with continuous improvement actions, and stakeholder feedback. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Jika Anda terus browsing situs, Anda setuju untuk menggunakan cookies di situs ini. 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